Thursday, November 15, 2012

Padden Creek Habitat Restoration

The construction involved in daylighting Padden Creek is only the first step in an ongoing project. What comes next? The Padden Creek habitat restoration is predicted to take approximately two years. Here’s what you need to know about it.

The Padden Creek Alliance, which includes the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and local citizen groups, will work to relocate the stream channel between 30th Street and 24th Street. Back in the 1890s the creek was straightened to make room for the Great Northern Railroad ending in Fairhaven, but this stream channeling has caused problems for salmon spawning. A wavier stream channel results in less erosion, and less chance for salmon eggs to be smothered by excess sediment, according to the City of Bellingham. Rerouting the creek will encourage salmon to move more freely, according to the NSEA.

Interested in volunteering? Check out some work-party opportunities with the NSEA.

For more information on the Padden Creek habitat restoration, check out the project’s webpage on the City of Bellingham website.

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